My Blog
Shamanic Wisdom & Spiritual Growth: Status Flo vs. Status Quo
In my deepest of sleep, I was awoken to the awareness of two words that have the capacity to change the course of my life. These words arose from a deep well of wisdom surfacing at a time when I most could take heed…..in my sleep!
Emotional Healing Through Tree Wisdom
There are many cultures within the mythological, religious and philosophical traditions that venerate the Mother Tree as a symbol of the root of their existence. As a tree of life, a world tree or a cosmic tree, she is revered as a tree of knowledge that connects Heaven to the Underworld and to the adherence of all life.
Transformational Retreats in Arizona: unlock the power within-Becoming Your Own Inner Shaman
We have all the wisdom teachings in the world available to us at any time. Mother Nature provides not only food and a natural pharmacy, but materials for shelter, an adventure playground, and her spiritual council too.
The Phoenix is a bird of legend, of power, of alchemy, renewal and resurrection that dies by bursting into flames and is reborn from its ashes. It holds the key to alchemy by transmuting death to rebirth, where the end is only the beginning.
3 Simple Practices To Regain Your Inner Balance – Reduce Anxiety and Stress
Are your days filled with from start to finish with an endless list of “things to do?” We endeavor to “keep up” but the treadmill seems to just get faster and faster, leaving us off-kilter, overwhelmed and alienated from our aliveness, of our balanced states of wellbeing.
Incoming Shift 2012 and Beyond.
How to prepare for the shift in consciousness in order to handle the spin of complexity, turbulence and change with dignity, ease and grace during the “great shift” of our times.
5 Simple ways to get into your Peace and Calm
We are human beings not human doings and have lost direction in the sign of our time. We need to slow down and change to a lower gear in order to turn a corner safely in our life. It is time to make peace with the internal battle of opposites.
Are you feeling disconnected or uninspired?
In the busyness of our daily grind, we have become entangled in our minds and have forgotten to observe the natural, pure and simple ways we can let go of our stress and return to the simplicity of being. Earth is a powerpoint that we can tap into freely at no cost.