Free at The Pavilion at Posse Grounds Park, West Sedona
EARTH WISDOM MEDITATION - Led by Amalia Camateros
Amalia will guide you through an inner journey meditation that will assist in grounding your energy and to embody more fully your vital force. She will also share with you her ‘Inner Tree of Light’ standing meditation that taps into the power point of Mother Earth to assist you in clearing your energy at times of stress and to regain your inner alignment and balance. Weaving throughout the experience, Amalia will use rattles and heart beat medicine drum to augment this Earth Wisdom experience.
Amalia Camateros, author of “Spirit of the Stones” is a Shamanic Practitioner, Empowerment and Grounding Guide and Intuitive Healer. Her depth of wisdom is gleaned from 40yrs of working in the field of health and consciousness and in particular with her intimate connection with Mother Earth. Her meditation experience started at the age of 16, followed by a deep dive into silence through ten x 10 day Vipassana Meditation retreats with Dr. S.N. Goenka Ji. She weaves Spirit and Matter cohesively in her healing practice “Earth Spirit Wisdom Healing” and inspires us to reconnect with Earth and our own body as a sacred temple of living spirit. A service of her mastery is to integrate the Spirit Self into the Body, and embody the wisdom of the Earth into the blossoming of the full potential self.